Requesting Cellular Service
College of Design, Technology Services will manage a small number of cell phones through Verizon for those who are eligible. For those not eligible for a cell phone, a Mobile Technology Access form will need to be submitted and approved in order to receive a monthly stipend. Please review the policies listed below before submitting a request.
Cellular Services Policies
College of Design, Cellular Service Policy
University of Oregon Mobile Technology Access Policy
Requesting Cellular Telephone Service
For those eligible for new cellular telephone service or a replacement device, please email Gary Sullivan ( Please include the following:
- Describe mobile technology need
- Cell phone model
Requesting Reimbursement for Individual Cell Phone Service
For those not eligible for a University owned cell phone, a monthly reimbursement may be available. This process requires department and Dean’s Office approval.
To start the process, please fill out the Mobile Technology Access and Payment Option Request (Departmentally Processed) form located on the website. Be prepared to provide the following information:
- Employee Information
- Job Title
- First Name
- Last Name
- Payment Start Date
- Number of Payments
- Department Information
- Your Department
- Your Business Manager’s Telephone
- Business Manager First Name
- Business Manager Last Name
- Reason for Mobile Device Access
- Payment Option
- Our standard cell phone stipend will be the standard Tier 2, $43 a month.
Once the form is ‘Saved’, it will be sent to the Business Manager listed as the Department Contact to continue the approval process. The request will then go to the Director of Technology Services (Gary Sullivan) and the CBSO Director (Shaymond Michelson) for final approvals and setup.
More Information
UO Cellular Management Overview
Employee-owned Cellular Plans with Reimbursement
Please contact Gary Sullivan.