Woodworking Tools Videos

In collaboration with the University of Oregon’s Environmental Health and Safety Department, the College of Design has access to a series of videos from Films Media Group, titled Woodworking Tools.

This series correlates to competency standards for core curriculum and carpentry from the National Center for Construction Education & Research. A Shopware Production 16-part series, 12-22 minutes each.

Each video provides in depth information for proper and safe use of most tools found in the College of Design wood shops, and other wood shops on the UO campus.

Cutoff Saws

cutoff sawAlso known as miter saws, cutoff saws will crosscut long stock, cut picture frame molding, fit crown molding, and quickly cut multiple boards to the same length. These videos compare straight, compound, and sliding compound models.

Videos   Duration
Design and Operation   2:35m
Controls   2:45m
Safety Features   1:03m
Safe Operating Techniques   3:55m
Maintenance and Adjustments   7:31m

Table Saws

SawStop Industrial Cabinet Saw

These videos cover both cabinet and portable table saws, the tools of choice when a circular saw just will not cut it.

Videos   Duration
Overview   1:52m
Controls   2:32m
Safety Features   1:53m
Safe Operating Techniques   2:30m
Blades   2:47m
Maintenance and Adjustments   4:57m
Tips   3:33m

Safety Tips

  1. Wear eye protection.
  2. Check material for metal and knots.
  3. Keep blade guard in place.
  4. Make all adjustments with saw off.
  5. Adjust blade to 1/4 in above material.
  6. Cut only flat material with one straight edge guided by fence.
  7. Do not cut without fence or miter.
  8. No freehand cuts.
  9. Keep hands out of the line of blade.
  10. Use a push stick when required.
  11. If your cut stalls do not attempt to back out: turn off and hold material until the blade comes to a stop.
  12. Never reach over toward, over, or around saw blade.
  13. Keep work surface uncluttered.
  14. Check with shop tech for special cuts, to change guards, or if you have any questions or concerns about the table saw.

Band Saws and Scroll Saws

Powermatic 14” woodworking Band Saw Model PWBS14

Whenever a project throws you a curve, it is time to turn on the band saw or scroll saw.

Videos   Duration
Design and Operation   2:23m
Controls   2:27m
Safe Operating Techniques   2:53m
Band Saw Blades   4:42m
Band Saw Adjustments   1:56m
Scroll Saw Blades   1:57m
Scroll Saw Adjustments   2:13m

Safety Tips

  1. Wear eye protection.
  2. Approach with caution it may be running unattended.
  3. With saw off, adjust blade guard height to material thickness + 1/8 in.
  4. Keep hand out of the cut line.
  5. Hold material firmly against table.
  6. Use a push stick when required.
  7. Do not reach toward, or around the saw blade.
  8. Clear scrap with a push stick.
  9. Do not force the material or twist blade excessively.
  10. Do not cut round stock without a V block.
  11. Keep work areas uncluttered.
  12. Turn machine off when finished.
  13. Check with shop tech if you have any questions or concerns about the band saw.

Jigsaws and Reciprocating Saws

JigsawThese videos covers both cabinet and portable table saws, the tools of choice when a circular saw just will not cut it.

Videos   Duration
Overview   1:54m
Blades   3:38m
Safe Operating Techniques for Jigsaws   4:14m
Safe Operating Techniques for Reciprocating Saws   3:31m

Circular Saws

circular sawThe circular saw is one of the most widely used portable power tools at construction sites. These videos spotlight direct drive and worm-drive models.

Videos   Duration
Overview   3:28m
Blades   3:12m
Safe Operating Procedures   7:25m

Radial Arm Saws

radial arm sawA radial arm saw may just be the most versatile power tool in the shop and also the most hazardous.

Videos   Duration
Design and Operation   2:49m
Safety Features   2:08m
Safe Operating Techniques   4:26m
Adjustments   5:50m

Tool videos


Powermatic 8” Jointer - Model 60HH

Jointers and biscuit jointers are becoming a common sight in woodshops. This video series takes a look at both of these important tools.

Videos   Duration
Overview   3:09m
Bisquit Jointers   1:52m
Safety Operating Techniques   3:30m
Safe Operating Techniques for Bisquit Jointers   1:24m
Maintenance and Adjustments   4:23m

Safety Tips

  1. Wear eye protection.
  2. Check material for metal and knots.
  3. Keep blade guard in place.
  4. Make adjustments with jointer off.
  5. Adjust fence to width of cut + 1/2 in.
  6. No material less than 8 in long.
  7. 1/8 in. maximum cutting depth.
  8. Hold material firmly against fence.
  9. Keep hands above blade guard and no closer than 3 in. to cutter head.
  10. Use a push stick when required and always for face jointing.
  11. Do not rush the cut.
  12. Do not attempt to join end grain.
  13. Keep work surface uncluttered.
  14. Check with shop tech for special cuts, or if you have any questions or concerns about the jointer.


Powermatic 15” Planer - Model 15HH

If radial arm saws are the most hazardous power tools in the shop, planers are probably the safest. This video shows how to work with them.

Videos   Duration
Overview   3:09m
Safe Operating Techniques   3:30m
Handheld Planers   1:24m
Maintenance and Adjustments   4:23m

Safety Tips

  1. Wear eye protection.
  2. Check material for metal and knots.
  3. Adjust table height scale to match thickness of material.
  4. 12 in minimum length of material.
  5. 1/8 in maximum depth of cut.
  6. Do not plane across the wood grain
  7. No paint, varnish,or other finishes. No plywood!
  8. Ask for assistance with long stock.
  9. Do not place fingers between material and feed table.
  10. If your cut stalls do not attempt to back out: adjust table, or turn off.
  11. Never reach into the cutting area.
  12. Do not look into cutting area when on.
  13. Keep work areas uncluttered.
  14. Check with shop tech if you have any questions or concerns about the planer.

Stationary Sanders

JSG-96CS, 6" x 48" Belt / 9" Disc Sander with Closed Stand, 3/4HP 1Ph, 115V

Stationary sanders are becoming a common sight in woodshops. This video series takes a look at how to use this useful tool.

Videos   Duration
Overview   2:23m
Safe Operating Techniques   4:36m
Maintenance and Adjustments   3:41m

Safety Tips

  1. Wear eye protection.
  2. Be aware clothing, hair, etc. that might get caught.
  3. Wear dust mask when required.
  4. Keep hands a safe distance from abrasives.
  5. Approach abrasives lightly to get a sense of the friction.
  6. Hold material firmly against the table and /or fence.
  7. Sand on downward side of the disc, and the downstream direction of the belt.
  8. Do not rush the cut.
  9. Keep work surface uncluttered.
  10. Check with shop tech for special cuts, changing spindles, belts or discs, or if you have any questions about Stationary Sanders.

Drill Presses

Jet JDP 17DX 17” Drill Press

These videos cover the use of a drill press, the tools of choice when precision drilled holes are a necessity.

Videos   Duration
Overview   2:50m
Bit, Drives, Accessories   2:06m
Safe Operating Techniques   7:22m


Router Combo Packs

These videos cover how to use routers and router accessories, the tools of choice when you need to hollow out an area in the face of your material, such as lettering in a sign.

Videos   Duration
Form and Function   5:59m
Router Bits   2:57m
Safe Operating Techniques   6:11m
Maintenance   2:24m

Power Nailers

nailerThese videos nails the subject of nailers with information on four types: pneumatic, cordless electric, cordless impulse, and power actuated.

Videos   Duration
Overview   5:59m
Controls and Features   2:57m
Safe Operating Techniques for Power Nailers   6:11m
Safe Operating Techniques for Power Fasteners   6:11m
Maintenance   2:24m


latheSpindle turning, furniture making, shaping round or disk shaped pieces of wood – lathes can do it all. These videos examine how.

Videos   Duration
Overview   3:28m
Mounting the Wordpiece   2:48m
Safe Operating Procedures   5:53m

Rotary Tools, Bench Grinders, and Sharpeners

grinderFor carving fine details or honing an edge, rotary tools, bench grinders, and sharpeners are a must.

Videos   Duration
Overview   2:32m
Safe Operating Techniques   8:03m

Drills and Drivers

drillThese videos take a close-up look at cordless and corded drills and drivers, those indispensable sidearms of the building trades.

Videos   Duration
Overview   3:43m
Bits, Drivers, Accessories   3:00m
Safe Operating Techniques   5:15m
Maintenance   1:25m

Building a Workcenter

workcenterIt is a multifunctional tool stand, a workbench, and a sawhorse all in one. These videos profile the portable workcenter, an indispensable item that is equally useful in the shop and on the construction site.


Videos   Duration
Overview   2:21m
Cutting the Components   9:50m
Assembly   7:20m