Save to PDF / X-4
Save the document in PDF/X-4 format via Adobe Acrobat (to convert an existing PDF document or file), or via Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or InDesign (to save an original document into the PDF/X-4 format):
In Adobe Acrobat:
1. Go to All Tools –> Use Print Production
2. Select Preflight. A new pop-up window will appear.
2a. From the drop-down menu, select “PDF Standards.”
2b. Scroll until you see PDF/X and expand the menu.
2c. Select “Convert to PDF/X-4 (SWOP),” then click the button in the lower right corner that says, “Analyze and Fix.”
3. You will be prompted to enter a new file name and location for the PDF/X-4 file you created. We recommend using a new name to not overwrite the original file.
4. Click “Save.”
In Illustrator or Photoshop & InDesign:
1. In Illustrator or Photoshop, go to File > Save As.
1a. In InDesign, go to File > Export.
2. You will be prompted to enter a file name and location for the file. Be sure to select PDF as the file format from the format drop-down list.
2a. Click Save.
3. Another dialogue box will appear from the Adobe PDF Preset drop-down menu at the top.
4. Select PDF/X-4: 2008.
5. Click on Save or Export.