Woodshops Access
NOTE: Safety orientations are required for woodshop users.
Laser users please visit the Lawrence Hall Woodshop page.
New Students
Shop orientations will typically be scheduled by the instructors of studios or classes that incorporate tool use into their curriculum.
Shop Access Requirements
Part 1: Shop safety course hosted on COMMUNITY CANVAS. Twelve short videos with questions.
Part 2: Shop tour and lecture demonstrations.
Part 3: Completion of the Shop User Agreement prior to using the shops.
Information for Instructors
If you intend to integrate woodshop tool use into your courses, please note the following:
You will need to contact tcoates@uoregon.edu as soon as possible to discuss the:
- Intended use and time frame of the assignment
- Schedule the orientations
- Send your class list (spreadsheet) with UO email user names. This will register your students for the following:
- Shop safety orientation course on CANVAS. Encourage your students to complete this as soon as possible. Some of your students may have completed the orientations previously and will not be required to repeat them. Students can update, or sign the shop user agreement on the Lawrence rm. 185 studio shop check in computer.
- The shop tour and lecture/demonstrations should be scheduled within your normal class hours. The tour typically runs 1- 1/2 hours.
- Classes larger than 20 students will need to schedule multiple tours.
- Please mark attendance, and send it with your class to the shop tour.
- Please schedule adequate time for your students to complete both parts of the orientation process when planning assignment deadlines.
- Students will not have access to the shops prior to completing orientations.
The 60 to 90 minute orientation will cover:
- Personal safety; eye protection, hearing protection, respiratory protection, clothing, hair, and accessories considerations, first aid and emergency procedures.
- Tool descriptions and demonstrations of proper use.
- Materials, workspace, and storage considerations.
- Scheduling information.
- Additional resources.
Safety Curriculum
Other elements of safety curriculum will include:
- Well maintained tools and equipment.
- A clean and organized work environment.
- Safety posters specific to each machine.
- Safety posters specific to personal safety and responsibility.
- Observation and ongoing assessment of individual performance.