Lawrence Hall Woodshop

Managed by Facilities Support Services, the primary function of this shop is to support students from the School of Architecture & Environment and School of Art + Design. A variety of woodworking equipment, hand tools and laser cutters are available.

Lawrence Hall Laser Cutters

To Schedule

Lasers are available to currently registered College of Design students for studio and class relevant projects. Click the button below to schedule your cut time.
New to the lasers; check out the template files, and video links below.

Online Laser Scheduler

Can’t Schedule? You may be new to the system, missed an appointment, or failed to log on to start an appointment.

Contact Shop Tech if you are having trouble scheduling.


UNIVERSAL VersaLASER VLS 6.60 ‐ 32”x18” work table.

VersaLaser template files with instructions

Instructional videos

Short Cuts

Cutting Tips

Avoid “SketchUp”  and “SolidWorks” there are unresolved issues at this time.

If using Adobe Illustrator:

  • Avoid paint brush tools.
  • Artboards must be landscape oriented if larger than 18″ x 18″.
  • Multiple artboards in one file are O.K. and more efficient.
  • Use the custom swatch palette on the template file for pure “255” colors or go to swatch library and load “basic RGB”.
  • Think Black Red Green Blue for etch and cut order.
  • If there are many small pieces that you intend to keep, create tabs (bridges) to hold them in place.
  • Lift out cut material as one piece and cut objects as needed.
  • Laser will not recognize dashed line, or pattern fills, must use line segments.
  • AutoCAD command > overkill may eliminate overlapping or duplicate lines.
  • Scale can be set in plot dialogue.

Laser Etiquette

  • Registered users can sign up online for a one hour session at
  • Once you complete your currently scheduled appointment you may schedule additional appointments.
  • Lasers use should be limited to class or studio assigned projects.
  • Do not attempt to set up a small business in the laser shop.
  • Come into the shop before your scheduled cut time.
  • The shop tech is available to assist with this process.
  • You may take advantage of any cut time left over from the previous hour, but you must be prepared to vacate the machine at the end of your hour.
  • Please cancel, or reschedule your appointment, if necessary, as soon as possible.
  • Follow the instructions below to log in when you arrive. Your appointment must be marked as started during scheduled hour. Failure to do so will automatically disable your user account.
    • At the beginning of your scheduled hour, log onto laser scheduler
    • Click “start my current appointment”
    • Check confirm